Former Principal: Mr John Devine
Edmund Rice Primary School will amalgamated with Star of the Sea Primary on 1st September 2013. The new Principal is Mr Mark McTaggart who was the Principal of St Anthony’s PS, Larne. The Edmund Rice Schools Trust are the Trustees of the new school, St Patrick’s Primary, and will work in close collaboration with the Parish of St Patrick’s.
Conclusion of a School Inspection – February 2011
“The strengths of the school include:
the ethos of the school which promotes the children’s learning behaviour;
the quality of the teaching observed during the inspection with over half the lessons being very good or outstanding;
the good standards achieved by the children in literacy and numeracy which have improved steadily over the past four year period;
the outstanding links made with the parents and the community which are having a beneficial impact on the children’s achievements;
the very effective transition arrangements which are designed to ensure progression in learning at the transition stages; and
the outstanding leadership provided by the Principal.
The area for improvement is:
the need to develop and implement further the processes for monitoring and evaluating the quality of the children’s work.
In the areas inspected, the quality of education provided by this school is very good. The school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children; and has demonstrated its capacity for sustained self-improvement.”
The Primary sevens went on a tour of Parliament Buildings which is home to the Northern Ireland Assembly, the legislative authority for Northern Ireland established under the terms of the Belfast Agreement 1998 (aka. the Good Friday Agreement). There are 108 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), 6 from each of the 18 electoral constituencies in Northern Ireland. Our local MLA Cáral Ní Chuilín was on hand to show us around.
The Assembly Chamber