Ciarán Rogan

Back: Declan Steela, Pearse McCormack, Paul Nolan, Michael Mohan, Stevie Toner, Gerard Quinn.
Front: Conor Mc Caffery, Séamas Ó Donghaile, Jim McClean, Gary Ferris

Mr John Devine, Former Principal of Edmund Rice Primary. Current Director with Edmund Rice Schools Trust. Past-pupil of St Mary’s, brother of Jim Devine (Former Principal of St Gall’s) and Michael Devine (former Principal of a N. Belfast School).

Aodán Mac Póilin, iar-scoláire Scoil Mhuire agus iar-mhúinteoir Scoil Mhuire a fuair bás ar 29ú na Nollag 2016.

Three St Mary’s Past Pupils. Members of St Gregory Papal Knights.
James McDonald, Anthony Smyth and Vincent ?

Press Eye – 26th October 2016
Danske Bank Mageean Cup Final – St Mary’s CBGS, Belfast v St Killian’s, Garron Tower at The Dub.
St Mary’s Odhran McKenna and brother C.J McKenna celebrate along with Rory Clarke from Danske Bank.
Photographer – © Matt Mackey / Press Eye

Rory O’Prey (Former Head of German), Séamus Bennett (Former Senior , Seán Mahon (Former Pupil and Current Chair, Board of Governors), Chris Tracey (Former Pupil and Former Governor), Zeta Sheerin (Jim Sheerin’s Better Half), Jim Sheerin (Former Principal), (Former Head of Mathematics), (Former Head of History).

Fr Joe McDonald. Former Brother. Former Principal of Abbey CBS. Former Head of RE, St Mary’s. Former pupil of St Mary’s and CBS, Glen Rd.

Mr John Cooley, Current Chair of the ERST Board of Directors. Former Pupil of St Mary’s CBGS and former Chair of the Board of Governors, St Mary’s CBGS.

Micheál Ó Máirtín, David Kavanagh, Caoimhín de Búrca, Gerry Bennett and John Cooley. (Nairobi 2014).
Shelagh Lochery, Thomas Murray and Tony McCann also attended.