Armagh Christian Brothers Primary

Armagh Christian Brothers’ School /
Bunscoil na mBráithre, Ard Mhacha

Keady Road,
Armagh City.
BT60 4AB

Tel: / Fón: 02837 524354

Web: / Idirlíon:

Principal: / Príomhoide:  Mr Nial Smyth


Mission Statement

The Christian Brothers’ Primary School, Armagh is inspired by the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice and is committed to the development and growth of the whole person.  Fundamental to this inclusive ethos of our school is the recognition of each pupil as an individual with his/her own special abilities, gifts, needs, personality and cultural background.Our staff are committed to developing the pupils’ self-awareness, independence, self-confidence and a self valuing that enables each to take up his/her own life and to make the right choices.To this end, our concern centers on the integral development of each child so that all may be enabled to achieve their full potential.


  • To promote inclusive practices;
  • To promote a sense of belonging and community;
  • To offer all pupils a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum;
  • To ensure that all children with SEN/disability have a positive self image;
  • To use early identification through a variety of means;
  • To take reasonable steps to ensure that child’s inclusion is compatible with efficient education of other children;
  • To ensure that no child with a disability/SEN is treated less favourably or disadvantaged in anyway in comparison to those who have no disability/SEN;
  • To encourage Parental/carers involvement and co-operation;
  • To work with outside agencies to meet the needs of the child;
  • To provide a classroom environment conductive to learning that is caring and supportive;
  • To encourage development of full social, emotional, physical and intellectual potential;
  • To provide a range of SEN provision to match the SEN/disability;
  • To use effective monitoring and evaluating;
  • To develop knowledge, skills and understanding which ensure progress, promote success and develop self-confidence;
  • To enable pupils to be active partners in their learning through pupil participation in setting and achieving targets;
  • To develop and make use of all resources in support of pupils with SEN/disability;
  • To provide educational experiences which celebrate all achievement and recognise individuality.