The Edmund Rice Awards (Primary) was hosted again this year by St. Colman’s Primary School, Newry on Friday, 4th May 2012.
The day began with Mass for all participants in the Cathedral at 10.30am.
The awards ceremony followed in the school and was attended by pupils and staff from St. Colman’s, Newry, St. Aidan’s, Belfast, Bunscoil Ard Mhacha, Armagh Christian Brothers Primary and Father Stan, the school chaplain. Professor Muredach Dynan (Trustee), Mrs Geraldine McLaverty (Trustee) and Mr Caoimhín de Búrca (CEO) represented the Edmund Rice Schools Trust.
Mr Paddy McGuinness, a past pupil, was the Guest Speaker.
Many thanks to the Principal, Mr Edmund Sweeney, and Staff of St. Colman’s for their organising of the event and their most generous hospitality on the day.