Principal’s Update – John Paul II Primary

John Paul II Primary School

Primary Education for the Future

Parent Update

25th March 2013

Dear Parents

Please find below some information that you may find useful at this time:

Principal Appointment

I will take up my position as Principal of John Paul II Primary School with effect from 1st April 2013. From this date on, I will have sole responsibility to work on all the issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a smooth transfer for children and parents in preparation for opening in September 2013. Whilst I will be based here in the new school in order to manage the refurbishment programme and other works, time will also be spent working in St. Bernadette’s on matters relating to new class structure, resource transfer and any other relevant issues.

Support for Children

My first priority will be to develop a transition programme for children. In the next 2 weeks, I will set up a transition team consisting of one teacher from each school who will identify the practical needs and concerns for boys and girls in their respective schools. This team will then structure a programme during April based on these needs. Whilst this programme will be coordinated by experienced staff from Full Service Community Network (FSCN) and the Extended Schools Programme, both organisations will deliver based on needs clearly identified by the transition team.

Parent Support

Whilst existing schools operate their own parent support programmes, we will coordinate and expand existing arrangements with the help of FSCN in order to assess and then address emerging needs. At present, I have arranged to meet with service providers in order to facilitate this as soon as possible.

Works Update

The infant block is almost complete. From April, we will focus on a works programme to refurbish the upper block. We have recently added additional works to extend the school’s existing main library and we will incorporate this as part of the overall refurbishment on the upper floor. Parent support programme staff will liaise with me in arranging parent visits to the school at start of term 3.

Admissions to Primary One

Letters will be issued by the school on 17th April notifying parents of their child’s placement in John Paul II Primary School.


School uniform manufacture is underway. At present we are looking at the detail of the school’s crest – and this will be added to the teal jumper when supplies become available. The choice of teal does limit options for colour on additional garments such as hats, coats and PE bags.

The choice of school coat (optional) therefore comes down to 2 options: black or red.

  • Black is unsuitable from a safety perspective.
  • Red does work well with the teal coloured jumper (and is a complete change from existing colours).


No decision on this will be taken until I have consulted with parents. The red option will be chosen unless a majority of parents indicate a preference for black. If this is the case, please tear off the reply slip below and send the completed form to your child’s school by Wednesday 27th March 2013.


R. Hunter (Principal Designate)