The inaugural meetings of the Interim Boards of Governors in North and West Belfast were held in June, 2012. The work of these boards is to manage the implementation of the amalgamation of Edmund Rice Primary and Star of the Sea Primary in North Belfast and St. Aidan’s Christian Brothers Primary and St. Bernadette’s Primary in West Belfast. In each case the new amalgamated school will open on the 1st September 2013.
North Belfast
Five members of the Interim Board were appointed by the Diocesan/Parish Trustees and five by the Edmund Rice Schools Trustees.
Membership of the Interim Board:
Mr Michael Hilton (Chair), Ms Liz McAlea (Vice-Chair), Very Rev Michael Sheehan, Mr Kevin Burke, Mr Eddie Ferguson, Sister Nuala Kelly, Ms Marie Therese Morris, Brother Patrick Holian, Ms Marie Penney and Mr Tony Killough.
A number of other people will be in attendance, in a non-voting capacity, in an advisory and administrative role. These are: Mr Gerry Crudden (CCMS Education Adviser), Miss Susan Sullivan (CCMS Management Officer), Ms Michaela Bell (Principal Star of the Sea Primary School) and Mr John Devine (Principal Edmund Rice Primary School).
West Belfast
Five members of the Interim Board were appointed by the Diocesan/Parish Trustees and five by the Edmund Rice Schools Trustees.
Membership of the Interim Board:
Mrs Marie Hale (Chair), Mr John McGrady (Vice-Chair), Mr Kevin Burke, Mr Michael Logan, Mr Tony Harte, Mrs Margaret Patterson,
Very Rev. Darach Mac Giolla Catháin, Brother Pearse Carlin, Mr Michael Guerin and Mr Frank Quinn.
A number of other people will be in attendance, in a non-voting capacity, in an advisory and administrative role. These are: Mrs Anne McDermott (CCMS Education Adviser), Miss Susan Sullivan (CCMS Management Officer), Ms Cecilia O’Reilly (Principal St Bernadette’s Girls’ Primary School), Mr Raymond Hunter (Principal St Aidan’s Christian Brothers Primary School) and Mrs Siobhán McAleavy (Secretary to the Interim Board of Governors).