New Era for Edmund Rice Education

7th JUNE  2013

The Edmund Rice Schools Trustees
have announced a major initiative for the consolidation of the 
Christian Brothers schools on the Glen Road, Belfast
into an expanded St Mary’s Grammar School.

It is planned to commence the process by September 2015 and to complete the consolidation bySeptember 2017.

St. Mary’s Christian Brothers Grammar School and Christian Brothers School are situated directly across from one another on the Glen Road in Belfast. This area has  been impacted by a falling demographic profile in recent years. In order to create a sustainable educational platform for pupils in the area the decision has been made that the two schools become one educational provision in West Belfast.

As part of the Trustees’ vision there will be a phased consolidation into a single school beginning in September 2015 with admissions into Year 8.

This decision has been made in line with the NICCE Post-Primary Review Strategic Regional Report, ‘Catholic Education for All’ (March 2012) which included the following recommendation,

“In respect of Edmund Rice Provision on the Glen Road, a single provision for boys, 11-19, is to be created.”

This initiative, building on cooperation between the schools, is aimed at enhancing opportunities and expanding the curriculum and choice available to students in both schools.

Professor Muredach Dynan, Director of the ERST Trust said, “The Trustees are confident  that the plan is consistent with the NICCE Area Plan for the region, and in line with Department of Education  key policies. The delivery of the new arrangements will, of course, be subject to the normal consultation procedures, including Development Proposals.”

“This plan is intended to build on the strengths of both schools and to provide for the future development of Edmund Rice Education in West Belfast.”

“This will be most effectively achieved through the ongoing commitment of both Boards of Governors to work together. “

Consistent with the Trustees’ policy for phased transition from academic selection, the consolidated St Mary’s Grammar School will, by September 2015, modify its intake procedures  for Year 8 pupils from 100% by academic criteria to a maximum of 75%.


CCMS welcomes the decision by the trustees to move towards the implementation of their vision for the development of one post-primary school for boys on the Glen Road.

Deputy Chief Executive, Gerry Lundy said:

“This initiative, building on cooperation between the schools, is aimed at enhancing opportunities and expanding the curriculum and choice available to students in both schools. CCMS supports the intention to build on the strengths of both schools and to provide for the future development of Edmund Rice education in West Belfast through a one school model”

CCMS is fully committed to supporting the Trustees and schools  in managing the transition towards the new arrangements in the best interests of the pupils and staff, both those who are currently enrolled or working in the schools and those who will be involved in the future.