Edmund Rice Network Conference
On October 11th the Edmund Rice Network Conference took place in Mount Sion. It was coordinated by a Committee drawn from ERST, ERST NI, ERD, Presentation Brothers, Christian Brothers, the Christian Brothers Schools Office (UK) and the Edmund Rice Heritage Centres.
John Waters, the writer and *Irish Times* columnist, was the principal speaker. He addressed the conference on the theme of the values and the openness to a religious dimension that ought to characterise education in the Edmund Rice tradition.
Over one hundred participants, representing schools, projects and centres, attended the conference.
The focus of the conference was how to promote the involvement of young people in the Edmund Rice Network. It was noted with appreciation that young people had travelled over from England for the conference. Particularly well represented were the Edmund Rice Camps and the Life Centres. Students from the Marino Institute of Education attended accompanied by their lecturer, Patricia Slevin. Overall, the presence of the young people added greatly to the vibrancy and energy of the conference.
The presenters in the workshop sessions, facilitated by Chris Glavey and Aiveen Mullally, included young people from the Edmund Rice Camps, the Cork Life Centre and the Open Doors Project in Belfast. John Cooley spoke on behalf of the Edmund Rice Network Leadership Group (ERNLG). Tom Murray gave an account of the Network activities in England.
Following the conference many referred to the energy and creativity manifested by the young people who attended. They represented a new voice, one that challenged the conference to reflect on how the evolving story of the Edmund Rice vision might be told in new ways and to new audiences. Many attending an event of this kind marvelled at the extent, strength and variety of the network initiatives. As one person said, “We discovered that we are not alone”. The outstanding hospitality and welcome offered by the Mount Sion Centre and Community contributed significantly to the success of the day.
Donal Leader