GOVERNORS – Past and Present
Caroline Bell (Mr), Brid Byrne (Mrs), Sean Fleming (Mr), John Forsythe (Fr), Mr John Geehan, Mr Ciaran McCavana, Mrs Anne McLaughlin, (Chair), Mr Ray Morgan, Fr Dan Whyte,
PRINCIPALS – Past and Present
Mr Paul Berne, Mr Peter Friel, Mr Kevin Gough: Retired August 2012 Br Moroney. Br. Keenan
TEACHERS – Past and Present
Paul Berne, Brian Black: Former Vice-Principal. Peter Boyd, Sinéad Boyle, Stíofán Campbell, Frank Carlin, Pat Catney: Former Vice-Principal, Former Acting Principal. Coleman (Br), Kathleen Connolly, Michelle Cust, Geraldine Davey, Collete Deery, Stephen Dowds, Maureen Collins, Aidan Cooper, Ciara Cooper, Imelda Downing, Willie Evans, Sean Fleming, Jimmy Flynn, Áine Gallagher, Joseph Gallagher, Paula Gallagher, Noel Glover, Kevin Gough, Damien Graham, Eamon Graham, Margaret Graham, Clare Grey, Seamus Hicks, Liam Jennings, Mrs Máighréad Johnston, Séamus Hanna, Harry Largey, Anne Mallon, Barney Magill, Fiona McAufield, Gerald McBrierty, John McCabe, Oliver McCart, David McClelland, Ronan McCullagh, James McGoldrick, Mary McGuigan, Peter McGuigan, Christopher McKay, Sinead McKee, Miss Jennifer McKeever, Michael Mc Kernan, Pat McKinney, Jim McLister, Patrick McMeekin, Br. Brian Monaghan, Martin Montgomery, Aidan Morris, Colm Mulgrew, Edel Murphy, Maeve O’Connor,
Mark O’Hare: Current Vice-Principal. Thady O Mahoney (Br), Fionnuala O’Neil, Liam Rafferty, John Joe Rafferty, Kevin Rice, Anne-Marie Ritchie, Dennis Smyth, Déaglán White (de Faoite), Sinéad Quinn, Jennifer Sloan, Clare Thompson, Viola Vanucci, Sheena Woods, Cormac Wylie,
1990s Click for more information
Sean Hawkins, Eamon McAleese, Damien McCambridge,
Bartlett, Tim (Fr): 1980s. Executive Secretary, Council for Communications, Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Maynooth.
Gallagher, Paul (Mr): (1997 – 2004) Regional Manager UK and N Ireland, Karro Food Group
Hawkins, Sean (Mr): Final Year 1999. Sourcing Agent at Bombardier.
Maskey, Paul (Mr): Final Year 1983. MP for West Belfast. Former MLA for West Belfast.
McAleese, Eamon (Mr): Final Year 1992. Branch Manager Yesss Electrical.
McAree, James (Mr): Final Year 1985. Chairman and CEO of Patric James Global.
McCambridge, Damien (Mr): Final Year 1998. To St Patrick’s College, Antrim Road. Sales, Marketing and Account Executive.
McConville, Peter (Mr): Web Design , Dubai.
Mc Kinley, Stuart (Mr): Final Year 2003. Select Relationship Manager at Santander UK Corporate & Commercial. Studying at UU for BSc.
O’Flaherty, Roddy (Mr): Final Year 1993. Field Sales Executive at Virgin Media
O’Hara, Gary (Mr): Final Year 1982. Former Field Sales Advisor at Sky. Current Business Development Manager at Isaac Agnew Van Centre.
Weatherup, Stephen (Mr): Final Year 1991. Senior Quantity Surveyor at Mascott.