St Mary’s University College
Father Peter Mc Verry
Father Peter McVerry is a strong advocate for those who have no voice in society. His work for the past 50 years has focused on issues relating to young people, including homelessness, addiction, juvenile justice, police, prisons and education.
In his lecture he investigates our understanding or concept of God and where to find God’s presence in society.
He articulates his understanding of God’s presence and challenges our understanding of mass and our views on the marginalised.
For the many who attended the lecture, they left the evening challenged. Ther have been many requested from those in attendance to get a copy of this video.
Everyone should take the opportunity to listen to Fr. Peter’s Words to challenge their understanding of faith in today’s society.
We are grateful to Fr. Peter, who has kindly agreed to share this video.
Please see link below:

Published with kind permission of Fr. Peter Mc Verry and St. Mary’s University College.