Back: Declan Steele, Pearse McCormick, Paul Nolan, Michael Mohan, Stevie Toner, Gerard Quinn.
Front: Conor Mc Caffery, Séamas Ó Donghaile, Jim McClean, Gary Ferris
A number of Barrack Street boys who attended St Mary’s from 1981
visited their alma mater, Barrack St, on Friday evening, 9th February 2018,
almost thirty years after leaving the Glen Road site.
They toured their old classrooms while relating brilliant stories about their peers and teachers. Jim McClean, the last Teacher-in-charge of Barrack St, An tUas Caoimhín de Búrca, the last Principal and Cormac McArt, the present Manager of Barrack St (Westcourt Centre) accompanied them.
The event was organised by Séamas Ó Donghaile.