Bates, Roy (Mr): Short Strand. Left 1965.
Birch, T, Dalton, G
Daly, Jim (Mr): Moira St, Short Strand. Left 1965.
Dalziel, R, Fallon, P, Hadley, Gerry (Mr), Hannratty, E
Kelly, Frank (Mr): 1950s/60s. Former Principal of St Columbanus, Bangor and teacher of Maths.
McCaffrey, Gabriel (Mr): 1959-’65. To St Mary’s, Barrack St and Glen Road. VP Business Development, RealDecoy, Ottawa, Ontario.
McCormack, Joe (Mr): 1950s/60s: Owner, McCormack Associates and Management Consulting.
McKeown, V: Morrow, T: McCallum, H: Milling, Gerard:
Mitchell, Barry: from 1964 to 1968
Monaghan, Robert (Mr): From about 1959 to 1965.
Murray, Terry:
Timoney, Michael (Mr): Madrid Street. Left 1965.
Smyth, Charles (Charlie) (Mr): Went on to St Mary’s, CBGS, Barrack Street. Civil Servant, Scientific Officer, Veterinary Research Laboratory.